Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand signals for bikes are important because they communicate your intentions to other road users. By using these signals, cyclists can indicate turns, stops, and changes in direction, which helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer riding experience for everyone on the road.
Tesway Bike
Spend Happy Time with Your Fluffy Buddy: Safe Ways to Bike with Your Dog
Tesway Bike

Spend Happy Time with Your Fluffy Buddy: Safe Ways to Bike with Your Dog

To carry a dog on a bike, use a pet-specific bike carrier or basket. Ensure the carrier is securely attached to the bike. Acclimate your dog to the carrier before riding. Always use a harness to secure your dog and keep rides short initially to ensure comfort and safety.
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Avoid These Hazardous Bike Modifications for a Safer Ride
Tesway Bike

Avoid These Hazardous Bike Modifications for a Safer Ride

Dangerous bike modifications can lead to serious accidents. Understand what changes to avoid, such as improper brake adjustments, removing reflectors, and overloading with accessories. This guide explains why these modifications are risky and how to keep your bike safe.
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Don't Do It | Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky!
Tesway Bike

Don't Do It | Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky!

Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky and not recommended. It requires specialized equipment and careful handling to avoid damage or danger. It's best to use the proper charger designed for your e-bike's battery.
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Why are ebikes limited to 15 or 20 mph when you can pedal faster than that
Tesway Bike

Why are ebikes limited to 15 or 20 mph when you can pedal faster than that

E-bikes are limited to 15 or 20 mph for safety and legal reasons, ensuring rider control and pedestrian protection. These limits also help classify e-bikes as bicycles, not motor vehicles.
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Tired of Cycling Knee Pain? Try These Fixes
Tesway Bike

Tired of Cycling Knee Pain? Try These Fixes

Improper cycling can cause knee injuries. There are three common types of injuries: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), and Meniscus Tears. Here are some tips to help you relieve knee injuries. If the knee injury is too serious, please seek medical attention immediately.
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Shifting Gear Explained for All Rider
Tesway Bike

Shifting Gear Explained for All Rider

Shifting changes your bike's gears to adjust pedaling effort. Using lower gears for hills and higher gears for flat terrain. The right lever controls rear gears, and the left lever controls front gears. Click for more tips.

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Get fit and burn calories effortlessly with e-bike rides
Tesway Bike

Get fit and burn calories effortlessly with e-bike rides

You can burn between 300 to 600 calories per hour on an e-bike, depending on your effort and terrain. Riding at a moderate pace helps you stay fit and healthy. E-bikes provide a great way to exercise while enjoying the ride.
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Choosing the right electric bike lets seniors stay active and healthy
Tesway Bike

Choosing the right electric bike lets seniors stay active and healthy

Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and a convenient mode of transportation for seniors. Electric bikes, in particular, make cycling more accessible. Picking the right electric bike lets seniors stay active and healthy.
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Which Bike Brake Types Can boost You Better Control And Safety
Tesway Bike

Which Bike Brake Types Can boost You Better Control And Safety

Different braking systems used on bicycles, including rim brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, and coaster brakes. Each type has unique features and performance characteristics, influencing how effectively a bike stops.
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Ideal Electric Bike Battery For Longer And Smoother Rides
Tesway Bike

Ideal Electric Bike Battery For Longer And Smoother Rides

Various kinds of batteries used in electric bikes, including lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, and lead-acid, each with different features and uses.
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Does E-Bike Tire Size Really Matter
Tesway Bike

Does E-Bike Tire Size Really Matter

Electric bike wheel size refers to the diameter of the wheels on an electric bike, affecting stability, speed, and maneuverability.
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Is your ebike controller broken? no problem, we've got you covered
Tesway Bike

Is your ebike controller broken? no problem, we've got you covered

Ebike controller regulates speed, power output, and motor functions in electric bikes, enhancing ride control and efficiency.
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It's hard to buy the right Ebike for tall men - me too, but I found one of the best options
Tesway Bike

It's hard to buy the right Ebike for tall men - me too, but I found one of the best options

Find essential features, buying tips, and modification options of the top e-bikes for tall riders to ensure a perfect fit. Dive into our detailed guide today!
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Does Your Electric Bike Need a Kickstand?
Tesway Bike

Does Your Electric Bike Need a Kickstand?

Does your ebike need a kickstand? Discover the benefits, types, and how to select and adjust the right kickstand to enhance your riding experience with added support.
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What You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Bike
Tesway Bike

What You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Bike

Learn essential tips and insights on buying an electric bike, from understanding key terms to choosing the right accessories. Optimize your ebike purchase with expert advice.
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Different Types Of Ebike | Which one you should buy?
Tesway Bike

Different Types Of Ebike | Which one you should buy?

Not sure which eBike to choose? Our ultimate guide breaks down the various types of eBikes, helping you find the perfect match for your riding style, needs, and budget. Whether you’re commuting, mountain biking, or leisurely cruising, we’ve got the insights you need.
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Ebike Motor: Everything Explained
Tesway Bike

Ebike Motor: Everything Explained

From motor types and power levels to maintenance tips. Discover how the right motor can enhance your eBiking experience and make your rides more enjoyable and efficient.
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Ebike Range: How Far Can You Really Go?
Tesway Bike

Ebike Range: How Far Can You Really Go?

Discover how battery capacity, terrain, and smart riding habits can maximize your mileage, ensuring you get the best performance on every trip. Perfect for riders ready to push their boundaries!

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Hardtail vs. Full-Suspension Electric Bikes – Which One Should You Choose?
Tesway Bike

Hardtail vs. Full-Suspension Electric Bikes – Which One Should You Choose?

Debating between a hardtail and a full-suspension electric bike? Dive into our detailed comparison to understand the pros and cons of each, helping you make an informed decision for your next adventure.
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Comprehensive Tips for Perfect Bike Tire Pressure on Any Terrain
Tesway Bike

Comprehensive Tips for Perfect Bike Tire Pressure on Any Terrain

Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a casual rider, our detailed guide to bike tire pressure will help you find the perfect balance for comfort and efficiency on every journey.
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Score Big Savings with These Top-Rated Cheap Electric Bikes
Tesway Bike

Score Big Savings with These Top-Rated Cheap Electric Bikes

Discover the best cheap electric bikes that deliver high performance without draining your wallet. Ride smarter, not harder!
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Ebike vs. Car: Is Replacing Your Car with an Ebike a Realistic Option?
Tesway Bike

Ebike vs. Car: Is Replacing Your Car with an Ebike a Realistic Option?

Explore the potential of swapping your car for an ebike. Could this be your next step towards a greener, more active lifestyle? Dive into the benefits and practicalities of making the switch.
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Is this the perfect farm cargo bike? you never know until you try
Tesway Bike

Is this the perfect farm cargo bike? you never know until you try

Discover how the latest farm cargo bike stands to revolutionize agricultural practices. Could this be the efficiency booster your farm needs? Read on to find out
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Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3 Ebikes Difference Explained
Tesway Bike

Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3 Ebikes Difference Explained

How different between Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 ebikes? Dive into our detailed breakdown to discover which ebike class suits your riding style and needs perfectly.
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Folding Chain Locks vs. U Locks - Which is better?
Tesway Bike

Folding Chain Locks vs. U Locks - Which is better?

Whether you park in high-risk areas or just need quick trips to the store, understanding the security level of folding chain locks compared to U locks is essential. Our guide helps you choose wisely.
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How E-Bike Pedal-Assist Systems Work: Cadence And Torque Sensors
Tesway Bike

How E-Bike Pedal-Assist Systems Work: Cadence And Torque Sensors

Get the inside scoop on how pedal-assist technology in ebikes works, making your ride smoother and faster. Discover the roles of cadence and torque sensors in our detailed exploration.
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Are fat tire bikes harder to pedal? Not at all, and i've tried it myself
Tesway Bike

Are fat tire bikes harder to pedal? Not at all, and i've tried it myself

Think fat tire bikes are a tough ride? We’re setting the record straight! Get the facts on what it really takes to pedal these fat tire ebikes and why they might just be easier than you think.



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E-Bike Batteries: Everything You Need to Know
Tesway Bike

E-Bike Batteries: Everything You Need to Know

From choosing the right type to maintaining peak performance, learn everything you need to enhance your riding experience.


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Our state-by-state guide of rebate for an e-bike, don’t miss out your saving
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Our state-by-state guide of rebate for an e-bike, don’t miss out your saving

Discover how to save big with our essential guide to e-bike tax rebates in the US! Find out where and how you can claim your savings and make your eco-friendly ride even more affordable.


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Signs Your E-Bike Battery May Need Replacement
Tesway Bike

Signs Your E-Bike Battery May Need Replacement

Is your e-bike not holding a charge like it used to? Learn the tell-tale signs of a failing battery and when to consider a replacement.

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Suspension Makes for Smooth Ebike Riding
Tesway Bike

Suspension Makes for Smooth Ebike Riding

Tackle rough terrains with ease! Our latest guide explores how suspension systems in electric bicycles enhance comfort and control.


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The Best Hybrid Electric Bikes You Didn't Know About Yet
Tesway Bike

The Best Hybrid Electric Bikes You Didn't Know About Yet

Unlock a new level of cycling with our guide to the best hybrid electric bikes you've never heard of. From sleek designs to robust features, these bikes are transforming urban mobility and outdoor adventures. Dive into our insights and find your perfect ride!
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Where to Buy Your Next EBike: Walmart, Amazon, or TESWAY
Tesway Bike

Where to Buy Your Next EBike: Walmart, Amazon, or TESWAY

Deciding where to buy an electric bike? Compare prices, models, and services from Walmart, Amazon, and TESWAY to make the best choice for your biking needs.
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Sidewalks or Streets Where Can You Legally Ride Your Electric Bike
Tesway Bike

Sidewalks or Streets Where Can You Legally Ride Your Electric Bike

Do's and don'ts of e-bike etiquette and legality. Helps you to understand the rules about riding your electric bike on sidewalks versus streets.
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Pedaling Relief: Is Bike Riding Good for Knee Arthritis
Tesway Bike

Pedaling Relief: Is Bike Riding Good for Knee Arthritis

Cycling can be a gentle yet effective exercise for managing knee arthritis. To Provide insights into the benefits and best practices for cyclists with joint concerns.
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Choosing the Best E-Bike for Seniors with Arthritis
Tesway Bike

Choosing the Best E-Bike for Seniors with Arthritis

Seniors with arthritis can still enjoy cycling! Help you find the most comfortable and supportive e-bike models designed for ease of use and minimal joint strain.
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Expert Tips on Better Waterproofing Your EBike
Tesway Bike

Expert Tips on Better Waterproofing Your EBike

Water and electronics don’t mix, but your e-bike doesn’t have to suffer. Discover how to effectively waterproof your electric bike and extend its lifespan with these expert tips.
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About 500W motors ebike – everything you need to know
Tesway Bike

About 500W motors ebike – everything you need to know

Curious about the pace of a 500W electric bike? Learn about the speed dynamics, motor efficiency, and how terrain impacts your bike's performance.
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Never Run Out of Juice: Top Spots to Charge Your E-bike on the Go
Tesway Bike

Never Run Out of Juice: Top Spots to Charge Your E-bike on the Go

Keep your e-bike powered up wherever your adventures take you. Explore the best charging spots that ensure you’re never far from a boost.
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The Real Difference Between a 500W and 750W Motor on E-Bikes
Tesway Bike

The Real Difference Between a 500W and 750W Motor on E-Bikes

Thinking of upgrading your e-bike? Learn how choosing between a 500W and a 750W motor can transform your rides, offering more power and speed. Discover which motor truly suits your cycling style and needs.

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