Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand signals for bikes are important because they communicate your intentions to other road users. By using these signals, cyclists can indicate turns, stops, and changes in direction, which helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer riding experience for everyone on the road.
Tesway Bike
Can Higher-Weight People Ride Electric Bikes
Tesway Bike

Can Higher-Weight People Ride Electric Bikes

Higher-weight people can ride electric bikes. These bikes are built to handle different weights, typically up to 300 pounds. The Tesway S7 specifically supports up to 350 lbs.
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Follow these tips to keep your electric bike and its battery running smoothly
Tesway Bike

Follow these tips to keep your electric bike and its battery running smoothly

Our guide offers effective tips to ensure your e-bike runs smoothly and lasts longer. Check it out now! Get your best budget e-bike at Tesway.
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Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know
Tesway Bike

Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand signals for bikes are important because they communicate your intentions to other road users. By using these signals, cyclists can indicate turns, stops, and changes in direction, which helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer riding experience for everyone on the road.
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Turn Signals for Bike: Everything You Need to Know
Tesway Bike

Turn Signals for Bike: Everything You Need to Know

Turn signals for eBikes help cyclists communicate their turns to others on the road. They improve safety by making cyclists' intentions clear, reducing accidents. These signals are essential for every eBike rider to ensure a safer ride.
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Even as a beginner at riding a bike with my dog, we have a great time – how do I make it work?
Tesway Bike

Even as a beginner at riding a bike with my dog, we have a great time – how do I make it work?

I love riding my TESWAY X5 with my dog. It's a fantastic way for us to exercise together. I always make sure to use a leash and harness to keep my dog safe and comfortable. Riding together helps us stay active and enjoy quality time.
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Avoid These Hazardous Bike Modifications for a Safer Ride
Tesway Bike

Avoid These Hazardous Bike Modifications for a Safer Ride

Dangerous bike modifications can lead to serious accidents. Understand what changes to avoid, such as improper brake adjustments, removing reflectors, and overloading with accessories. This guide explains why these modifications are risky and how to keep your bike safe.
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Don't Do It | Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky!
Tesway Bike

Don't Do It | Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky!

Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky and not recommended. It requires specialized equipment and careful handling to avoid damage or danger. It's best to use the proper charger designed for your e-bike's battery.
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The Comprehensive Health Benefits of Cycling
Tesway Bike

The Comprehensive Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling offers numerous health benefits. Regular cycling can also aid in weight management and increase overall stamina. By incorporating cycling into your routine, you can experience these comprehensive health advantages and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
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Why are ebikes limited to 15 or 20 mph when you can pedal faster than that
Tesway Bike

Why are ebikes limited to 15 or 20 mph when you can pedal faster than that

E-bikes are limited to 15 or 20 mph for safety and legal reasons, ensuring rider control and pedestrian protection. These limits also help classify e-bikes as bicycles, not motor vehicles.
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Tired of Cycling Knee Pain? Try These Fixes
Tesway Bike

Tired of Cycling Knee Pain? Try These Fixes

Improper cycling can cause knee injuries. There are three common types of injuries: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), and Meniscus Tears. Here are some tips to help you relieve knee injuries. If the knee injury is too serious, please seek medical attention immediately.
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Keep Your Electric Bike Safe with These Essential Storage Tips
Tesway Bike

Keep Your Electric Bike Safe with These Essential Storage Tips

Keep your e-bike safe by storing it securely. Use strong locks, choose a safe location, and perform regular maintenance. Follow these tips to protect your investment and ensure your e-bike stays in excellent condition.
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I didn't believe it, but e-bikes are a game changer for daily travel
Tesway Bike

I didn't believe it, but e-bikes are a game changer for daily travel

Riding an ebike offers numerous benefits. It provides a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation, helps reduce commuting costs, and promotes physical health by encouraging regular exercise. Additionally, ebikes are easy to use, requiring less effort than traditional bikes, making them accessible for people of all fitness levels.
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Find Out Which Bike Style Suits You Best: Step-Through or Step-Over
Tesway Bike

Find Out Which Bike Style Suits You Best: Step-Through or Step-Over

Step-through bikes are easier to mount and dismount, ideal for casual riding. Step-over bikes offer more stability and performance, suitable for sportier cycling. Which is Better?
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Traditional-Electric: The Historical Evolution of Road Bikes
Tesway Bike

Traditional-Electric: The Historical Evolution of Road Bikes

Road bikes have evolved from traditional designs to modern electric versions, continually enhancing people's lives. The best entry-level electric road bike is available at TESWAY!
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Bicycles have weight limits but heavyweight riders can still find the perfect bike
Tesway Bike

Bicycles have weight limits but heavyweight riders can still find the perfect bike

Most bikes have weight limits, usually between 250 and 300 pounds, varying by model. If you are a heavy rider, don’t worry, there is an ebike suitable for you.
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How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling
Tesway Bike

How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling

Electric bikes, when relying solely on the throttle, can usually reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour). This speed can vary based on the bike's motor and battery capacity. Some e-bikes might be able to go faster, but they are often regulated to stay within this speed limit for safety reasons.
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Stay active and Healthy | Could You Ride A Bike While Pregnant
Tesway Bike

Stay active and Healthy | Could You Ride A Bike While Pregnant

Riding a bike while pregnant can be safe and beneficial if you feel comfortable and maintain balance. It can improve circulation, reduce stress, and keep you active.
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Learn to Ride an E-Bike as an Adult: Easy Steps to Get Started
Tesway Bike

Learn to Ride an E-Bike as an Adult: Easy Steps to Get Started

Struggling with biking?TESWAY ebikes simplify it. Learn balance, braking, and terrain navigation. Enjoy the freedom of riding!
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Is your ebike controller broken? no problem, we've got you covered
Tesway Bike

Is your ebike controller broken? no problem, we've got you covered

Ebike controller regulates speed, power output, and motor functions in electric bikes, enhancing ride control and efficiency.
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It's hard to buy the right Ebike for tall men - me too, but I found one of the best options
Tesway Bike

It's hard to buy the right Ebike for tall men - me too, but I found one of the best options

Find essential features, buying tips, and modification options of the top e-bikes for tall riders to ensure a perfect fit. Dive into our detailed guide today!
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Does Your Electric Bike Need a Kickstand?
Tesway Bike

Does Your Electric Bike Need a Kickstand?

Does your ebike need a kickstand? Discover the benefits, types, and how to select and adjust the right kickstand to enhance your riding experience with added support.
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What You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Bike
Tesway Bike

What You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Bike

Learn essential tips and insights on buying an electric bike, from understanding key terms to choosing the right accessories. Optimize your ebike purchase with expert advice.
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Hardtail vs. Full-Suspension Electric Bikes – Which One Should You Choose?
Tesway Bike

Hardtail vs. Full-Suspension Electric Bikes – Which One Should You Choose?

Debating between a hardtail and a full-suspension electric bike? Dive into our detailed comparison to understand the pros and cons of each, helping you make an informed decision for your next adventure.
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Comprehensive Tips for Perfect Bike Tire Pressure on Any Terrain
Tesway Bike

Comprehensive Tips for Perfect Bike Tire Pressure on Any Terrain

Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a casual rider, our detailed guide to bike tire pressure will help you find the perfect balance for comfort and efficiency on every journey.
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Riding an Ebike: Good Exercise or Just a Breezy Way to Get Around?
Tesway Bike

Riding an Ebike: Good Exercise or Just a Breezy Way to Get Around?

Fitness or Fun? Uncover the surprising benefits of biking and find out if it’s the ultimate workout or simply a delightful way to get from point A to B.
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Ebike vs. Car: Is Replacing Your Car with an Ebike a Realistic Option?
Tesway Bike

Ebike vs. Car: Is Replacing Your Car with an Ebike a Realistic Option?

Explore the potential of swapping your car for an ebike. Could this be your next step towards a greener, more active lifestyle? Dive into the benefits and practicalities of making the switch.
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Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3 Ebikes Difference Explained
Tesway Bike

Class 1, Class 2, & Class 3 Ebikes Difference Explained

How different between Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 ebikes? Dive into our detailed breakdown to discover which ebike class suits your riding style and needs perfectly.
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Big Benefits of Fat Tire Bikes for Your Next Outdoor Adventure
Tesway Bike

Big Benefits of Fat Tire Bikes for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

Experience the transfomation in biking with fat tire bikes! Learn how their unique design offers stability and comfort, transforming rough terrains into smooth adventures.



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E-Bike Batteries: Everything You Need to Know
Tesway Bike

E-Bike Batteries: Everything You Need to Know

From choosing the right type to maintaining peak performance, learn everything you need to enhance your riding experience.


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Speed of ebike: exploring how fast electric bikes can go, from 250W to 5000W motors
Tesway Bike

Speed of ebike: exploring how fast electric bikes can go, from 250W to 5000W motors

Curious about the limits of electric bike speeds? Our latest article breaks down everything from leisurely 250W rides to high-octane 5000W beasts. Find out how fast you can really go on an e-bike!


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Signs Your E-Bike Battery May Need Replacement
Tesway Bike

Signs Your E-Bike Battery May Need Replacement

Is your e-bike not holding a charge like it used to? Learn the tell-tale signs of a failing battery and when to consider a replacement.

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Can you leave an electric bike outside?think twice before parking
Tesway Bike

Can you leave an electric bike outside?think twice before parking

Leaving your e-bike outside might be convenient, but is it safe? Discover the potential risks and why indoor storage is a better choice.

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Comparing 250W vs. 500W Motors on E-Bikes – Which Packs More Punch?
Tesway Bike

Comparing 250W vs. 500W Motors on E-Bikes – Which Packs More Punch?

Considering about the right motor power for your e-bike? Comparing of 250W versus 500W motors and discover which one truly suits your riding style and needs.

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How Heavy Are Electric Bikes
Tesway Bike

How Heavy Are Electric Bikes

How much electric bikes weigh? To reveal how manufacturers balance power and portability to enhance your riding experience. Get all the details to choose wisely!
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Where to Buy Your Next EBike: Walmart, Amazon, or TESWAY
Tesway Bike

Where to Buy Your Next EBike: Walmart, Amazon, or TESWAY

Deciding where to buy an electric bike? Compare prices, models, and services from Walmart, Amazon, and TESWAY to make the best choice for your biking needs.
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Are Electric Bikes Street Legal Everywhere
Tesway Bike

Are Electric Bikes Street Legal Everywhere

Legality of electric bikes on public roads that you still not know. To get vary regulations across regions to ensure you’re always street legal.
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About 500W motors ebike – everything you need to know
Tesway Bike

About 500W motors ebike – everything you need to know

Curious about the pace of a 500W electric bike? Learn about the speed dynamics, motor efficiency, and how terrain impacts your bike's performance.
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Thinking of trading your car for an e-bike? More Saving
Tesway Bike

Thinking of trading your car for an e-bike? More Saving

Thinking of trading your car for an e-bike? You will find substantial savings in cost and environmental impact with our in-depth analysis.
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How E-bikes Can Help Beat Cardiovascular Disease
Tesway Bike

How E-bikes Can Help Beat Cardiovascular Disease

Elevate your heart health with every pedal! Riding an e-bike can boost cardiovascular fitness and ward off heart disease.
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10 Reasons: Should Use an Electric Bike to Work
Tesway Bike

10 Reasons: Should Use an Electric Bike to Work

Rethink your ride to work with an e-bike. From slashing commute times to enhancing your fitness, discover the top ten reasons to make the switch.
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How Many Watts Does An E-bike Charger Use?
Tesway Bike

How Many Watts Does An E-bike Charger Use?

You must know these essentials tips of e-bike maintenance by understanding the power behind the plug. How many watts an e-bike charger really uses?
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The Unmatched Benefits of E-bikes - You Should Know
Tesway Bike

The Unmatched Benefits of E-bikes - You Should Know

Transform how you travel with the eco-friendly and efficient e-bike. This modern marvel can boost your health, save money, and make commuting a breeze.
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Maintenance and Care of Your Ebike
Tesway Bike

Maintenance and Care of Your Ebike

Discover essential safety tips for ebike riders, including battery care, brake maintenance, and tire upkeep. Learn how to ensure your ride is safe, efficient, and enjoyable with proper ebike maintenance practices.

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Tips for Riding Your Electric Bike in the Dark
Tesway Bike

Tips for Riding Your Electric Bike in the Dark

Discover essential tips for safe, enjoyable night rides on your e-bike. From proper lighting to reflective gear and slow riding, ensure your nocturnal adventures are secure and thrilling.
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