Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand signals for bikes are important because they communicate your intentions to other road users. By using these signals, cyclists can indicate turns, stops, and changes in direction, which helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer riding experience for everyone on the road.
Tesway Bike
2024 Best Electric Bikes for Big Guys —— Quality bikes at an affordable price point
Tesway Bike

2024 Best Electric Bikes for Big Guys —— Quality bikes at an affordable price point

esway's 2024 electric bikes for big guys provide quality rides at affordable prices. Experience durability, comfort, and power with Tesway's models designed specifically for larger riders. Save up to $500 on these top-rated e-bikes, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable biking experience tailored to your needs.
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Bike weight limits matter as they significantly contribute to your safety
Tesway Bike

Bike weight limits matter as they significantly contribute to your safety

Most electric bikes have a load capacity ranging from 220 to 300 pounds (roughly 100 to 130 kilograms). It's crucial to remember this can vary, as going beyond these limits can affect your safety and the bike's functionality.
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Can Higher-Weight People Ride Electric Bikes
Tesway Bike

Can Higher-Weight People Ride Electric Bikes

Higher-weight people can ride electric bikes. These bikes are built to handle different weights, typically up to 300 pounds. The Tesway S7 specifically supports up to 350 lbs.
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Follow these tips to keep your electric bike and its battery running smoothly
Tesway Bike

Follow these tips to keep your electric bike and its battery running smoothly

Our guide offers effective tips to ensure your e-bike runs smoothly and lasts longer. Check it out now! Get your best budget e-bike at Tesway.
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Several deadly fires have been caused by the batteries in e-bikes, what can we do to prevent them?
Tesway Bike

Several deadly fires have been caused by the batteries in e-bikes, what can we do to prevent them?

As battery fires in New York City increase, learn how to prevent deadly e-bike battery fires with our comprehensive guide. Discover safe charging practices, proper battery handling, and essential tips to keep your e-bike secure.
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Electric Bikes: Popular, but Are They Safe?
Tesway Bike

Electric Bikes: Popular, but Are They Safe?

Electric bikes are increasingly popular, but their safety remains a concern. While they offer convenience and eco-friendliness, it is essential to understand the safety measures and potential risks associated with their use. Always follow guidelines and wear protective gear to ensure a safe riding experience.
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How to Find the Right Height for Your Bike Seat
Tesway Bike

How to Find the Right Height for Your Bike Seat

To find the right height for your bike seat, adjust the saddle so your leg is almost fully extended when the pedal is at its lowest point. Ensure there's a slight bend in your knee. This position helps you ride comfortably and efficiently, preventing strain and injury.
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Mixed Reactions to Key Biscayne’s New E-Bike and Scooter Ban
Tesway Bike

Mixed Reactions to Key Biscayne’s New E-Bike and Scooter Ban

Key Biscayne's e-bike and scooter ban has received mixed reactions. Some residents support the ban for safety reasons, while others oppose it due to reduced mobility and inconvenience. This decision has ignited a debate on how to balance safety and accessibility in the community.
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Lost your e-bike charger? Here’s how to power up your battery without charger
Tesway Bike

Lost your e-bike charger? Here’s how to power up your battery without charger

Forgot your ebike charger? No problem! Discover practical methods to keep your ebike powered, even without a dedicated charger. Explore high-quality ebikes at Tesway.
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Are Electric Bike Conversion Kits Worth It
Tesway Bike

Are Electric Bike Conversion Kits Worth It

Explore if electric bike conversion kits are worth it. Learn about their benefits and drawbacks in this concise guide, then consider buying your ebike at Tesway.
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Upgrade Your Ride with Power? These powerful converison kits you should know
Tesway Bike

Upgrade Your Ride with Power? These powerful converison kits you should know

Thinking of upgrading your bike for enhanced power? Explore our powerful conversion kits designed to improve your ride's performance and efficiency. For those interested in purchasing a ready-to-use e-bike, Tesway offers premium options.
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Beginner E-Bike Suggestions|Torque sensor or cadence sensor, which one is better
Tesway Bike

Beginner E-Bike Suggestions|Torque sensor or cadence sensor, which one is better

Torque sensors offer smoother, natural rides by matching motor power to pedaling effort, ideal for comfort. Cadence sensors are simpler and more affordable, providing constant motor assistance based on pedal rotation, perfect for ease. Both have benefits, depending on your preference.
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Pedal Assist Electric Bike Explained
Tesway Bike

Pedal Assist Electric Bike Explained

A pedal-assist electric bike helps you pedal by adding motor power when you ride. The motor only works while you pedal, making biking easier, especially on hills or long rides. It offers a smoother, less tiring experience compared to regular bikes.
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Electric Bike Charging 101: How, Cost, When, and Safety Tips
Tesway Bike

Electric Bike Charging 101: How, Cost, When, and Safety Tips

This guide details electric bike charging, including the proper methods, anticipated costs, optimal charging times, and essential safety tips to ensure a reliable and safe charging experience.
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Safely Charge Your Electric Bike | Why Overnight Charging Isn't Safe
Tesway Bike

Safely Charge Your Electric Bike | Why Overnight Charging Isn't Safe

Charging e-bike batteries safely is crucial. Always use the correct charger, avoid overcharging, and keep your electric bicycle in a cool, dry place.
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Are Fat Tires Better for Electric Bikes?
Tesway Bike

Are Fat Tires Better for Electric Bikes?

Fat tires improve electric bike performance by offering better grip and stability on uneven surfaces. They provide a smoother ride on rough terrains, making them ideal for off-road biking and challenging conditions.
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I ride a folding e-bike to work every day | How much do folding e-bikes weigh?
Tesway Bike

I ride a folding e-bike to work every day | How much do folding e-bikes weigh?

Folding electric bikes typically weigh between 30 to 50 pounds. This weight allows for easy portability and convenient storage. Collapsible electric bike is perfect for daily commutes.

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Riding a Bike in a Skirt or Dress: How to Do It Safely
Tesway Bike

Riding a Bike in a Skirt or Dress: How to Do It Safely

Learn how to ride a bike in a skirt or dress safely. This guide explains simple tips and tricks to keep you comfortable and secure while cycling in your favorite outfits. Avoid accidents and enjoy a stylish ride with our practical advice.
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Folding Electric Bike Pros and Cons Explained: What You Need to Know
Tesway Bike

Folding Electric Bike Pros and Cons Explained: What You Need to Know

Folding electric bikes are convenient for commuting and storage, offering easy transportation and saving space. However, they may have a smaller range and less power compared to regular e-bikes, and the folding mechanism can add extra weight. They are great for city use but may not be suitable for long rides or rugged terrain.
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Bicycle Mechanical vs. Hydraulic Disc Brakes: What's the Difference?
Tesway Bike

Bicycle Mechanical vs. Hydraulic Disc Brakes: What's the Difference?

Mechanical disc brakes use a cable to pull the brake pads, while hydraulic disc brakes use fluid to transmit force. Mechanical brakes are simpler and easier to maintain, but hydraulic brakes offer better modulation and stopping power.
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Comprehensive Bike Size Chart: Find the Perfect Fit for Your Bike
Tesway Bike

Comprehensive Bike Size Chart: Find the Perfect Fit for Your Bike

A comprehensive bike size chart helps you determine the right bike size for your height and body type. It explains measurements, like frame size and inseam length, to ensure you choose a bike that fits comfortably and enhances your riding experience.
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Measure your standover height for a comfortable electric bike
Tesway Bike

Measure your standover height for a comfortable electric bike

Your standover height is crucial for finding a comfortable e-bike. It ensures you can ride safely and enjoy your e-bike experience. Accurate measurement helps in selecting the right e-bike size, enhancing your comfort and control. Always check this before making your purchase to ensure the best fit.
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Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know
Tesway Bike

Hand Signals for Bikes You Should Know

Hand signals for bikes are important because they communicate your intentions to other road users. By using these signals, cyclists can indicate turns, stops, and changes in direction, which helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer riding experience for everyone on the road.
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Spend Happy Time with Your Fluffy Buddy: Safe Ways to Bike with Your Dog
Tesway Bike

Spend Happy Time with Your Fluffy Buddy: Safe Ways to Bike with Your Dog

To carry a dog on a bike, use a pet-specific bike carrier or basket. Ensure the carrier is securely attached to the bike. Acclimate your dog to the carrier before riding. Always use a harness to secure your dog and keep rides short initially to ensure comfort and safety.
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Turn Signals for Bike: Everything You Need to Know
Tesway Bike

Turn Signals for Bike: Everything You Need to Know

Turn signals for eBikes help cyclists communicate their turns to others on the road. They improve safety by making cyclists' intentions clear, reducing accidents. These signals are essential for every eBike rider to ensure a safer ride.
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Even as a beginner at riding a bike with my dog, we have a great time – how do I make it work?
Tesway Bike

Even as a beginner at riding a bike with my dog, we have a great time – how do I make it work?

I love riding my TESWAY X5 with my dog. It's a fantastic way for us to exercise together. I always make sure to use a leash and harness to keep my dog safe and comfortable. Riding together helps us stay active and enjoy quality time.
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Avoid These Hazardous Bike Modifications for a Safer Ride
Tesway Bike

Avoid These Hazardous Bike Modifications for a Safer Ride

Dangerous bike modifications can lead to serious accidents. Understand what changes to avoid, such as improper brake adjustments, removing reflectors, and overloading with accessories. This guide explains why these modifications are risky and how to keep your bike safe.
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Don't Do It | Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky!
Tesway Bike

Don't Do It | Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky!

Charging an e-bike from another e-bike battery is risky and not recommended. It requires specialized equipment and careful handling to avoid damage or danger. It's best to use the proper charger designed for your e-bike's battery.
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The Comprehensive Health Benefits of Cycling
Tesway Bike

The Comprehensive Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling offers numerous health benefits. Regular cycling can also aid in weight management and increase overall stamina. By incorporating cycling into your routine, you can experience these comprehensive health advantages and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
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Why are ebikes limited to 15 or 20 mph when you can pedal faster than that
Tesway Bike

Why are ebikes limited to 15 or 20 mph when you can pedal faster than that

E-bikes are limited to 15 or 20 mph for safety and legal reasons, ensuring rider control and pedestrian protection. These limits also help classify e-bikes as bicycles, not motor vehicles.
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Tired of Cycling Knee Pain? Try These Fixes
Tesway Bike

Tired of Cycling Knee Pain? Try These Fixes

Improper cycling can cause knee injuries. There are three common types of injuries: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), and Meniscus Tears. Here are some tips to help you relieve knee injuries. If the knee injury is too serious, please seek medical attention immediately.
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Keep Your Electric Bike Safe with These Essential Storage Tips
Tesway Bike

Keep Your Electric Bike Safe with These Essential Storage Tips

Keep your e-bike safe by storing it securely. Use strong locks, choose a safe location, and perform regular maintenance. Follow these tips to protect your investment and ensure your e-bike stays in excellent condition.
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Shifting Gear Explained for All Rider
Tesway Bike

Shifting Gear Explained for All Rider

Shifting changes your bike's gears to adjust pedaling effort. Using lower gears for hills and higher gears for flat terrain. The right lever controls rear gears, and the left lever controls front gears. Click for more tips.

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Get fit and burn calories effortlessly with e-bike rides
Tesway Bike

Get fit and burn calories effortlessly with e-bike rides

You can burn between 300 to 600 calories per hour on an e-bike, depending on your effort and terrain. Riding at a moderate pace helps you stay fit and healthy. E-bikes provide a great way to exercise while enjoying the ride.
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I didn't believe it, but e-bikes are a game changer for daily travel
Tesway Bike

I didn't believe it, but e-bikes are a game changer for daily travel

Riding an ebike offers numerous benefits. It provides a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation, helps reduce commuting costs, and promotes physical health by encouraging regular exercise. Additionally, ebikes are easy to use, requiring less effort than traditional bikes, making them accessible for people of all fitness levels.
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Seniors can enjoy improved mobility and energy through regular cycling
Tesway Bike

Seniors can enjoy improved mobility and energy through regular cycling

Cycling improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, enhances mental well-being, and promotes social interaction for the elderly. It also helps maintain mobility and independence. Tesway can buy the best electric bikes for seniors.
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Choosing the right electric bike lets seniors stay active and healthy
Tesway Bike

Choosing the right electric bike lets seniors stay active and healthy

Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and a convenient mode of transportation for seniors. Electric bikes, in particular, make cycling more accessible. Picking the right electric bike lets seniors stay active and healthy.
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Find Out Which Bike Style Suits You Best: Step-Through or Step-Over
Tesway Bike

Find Out Which Bike Style Suits You Best: Step-Through or Step-Over

Step-through bikes are easier to mount and dismount, ideal for casual riding. Step-over bikes offer more stability and performance, suitable for sportier cycling. Which is Better?
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Which Bike Brake Types Can boost You Better Control And Safety
Tesway Bike

Which Bike Brake Types Can boost You Better Control And Safety

Different braking systems used on bicycles, including rim brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, and coaster brakes. Each type has unique features and performance characteristics, influencing how effectively a bike stops.
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2024 Best Folding E-Bike for Steep Hills
Tesway Bike

2024 Best Folding E-Bike for Steep Hills

This is the top folding e-bike for steep hills in 2024. This e-bike excels in performance, offering powerful and reliable climbing capabilities. Find out why it's the best choice for conquering steep inclines effortlessly.
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Interested in a 500 W Electric Bike? Here's What You Need to Know
Tesway Bike

Interested in a 500 W Electric Bike? Here's What You Need to Know

Are you interested in a new 500 watt electric bike for your transportation needs? A 500W e-bike provides strong hill-climbing ability, longer battery life, and a comfortable ride for daily commutes and weekend adventures."
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What's The Best E-Bike Battery For Your My Needs?
Tesway Bike

What's The Best E-Bike Battery For Your My Needs?

When investing in an e-bike, it's important to buy the best e-bike battery that's going to suit your needs. Choosing the right battery ensures optimal performance and extends the lifespan of your e-bike.
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Traditional-Electric: The Historical Evolution of Road Bikes
Tesway Bike

Traditional-Electric: The Historical Evolution of Road Bikes

Road bikes have evolved from traditional designs to modern electric versions, continually enhancing people's lives. The best entry-level electric road bike is available at TESWAY!
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Ideal Electric Bike Battery For Longer And Smoother Rides
Tesway Bike

Ideal Electric Bike Battery For Longer And Smoother Rides

Various kinds of batteries used in electric bikes, including lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, and lead-acid, each with different features and uses.
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Bicycles have weight limits but heavyweight riders can still find the perfect bike
Tesway Bike

Bicycles have weight limits but heavyweight riders can still find the perfect bike

Most bikes have weight limits, usually between 250 and 300 pounds, varying by model. If you are a heavy rider, don’t worry, there is an ebike suitable for you.
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How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling
Tesway Bike

How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go Without Pedaling

Electric bikes, when relying solely on the throttle, can usually reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour). This speed can vary based on the bike's motor and battery capacity. Some e-bikes might be able to go faster, but they are often regulated to stay within this speed limit for safety reasons.
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Stay active and Healthy | Could You Ride A Bike While Pregnant
Tesway Bike

Stay active and Healthy | Could You Ride A Bike While Pregnant

Riding a bike while pregnant can be safe and beneficial if you feel comfortable and maintain balance. It can improve circulation, reduce stress, and keep you active.
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